Peace Moment August 1, 2021 Steve
Peace Moment Introduction
Friday, August 6, is the 76st anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. In Des Moines this anniversary will be observed with a service at the Japanese bell located south of the capital. There are details in the this week’s email news.
The observance is planned by the Des Moines Faith Committee for Peace. Lamoni Heartland Mission Center and the Northwest congregation are both financial co-sponsors of the event.
The primary purpose of this observance is to highlight the continuing threat of nuclear war and the devastation one would cause throughout the world.
Four years ago members of Community of Christ were very involved in planning, conducting and attending the service. A local videographer produced a video. For our Peace Moment this evening we will watch excerpts from that video.
Peace Meditation
At the end is a couple minutes of violin music played by our own Maria Mann now Hewitt. We invite you to use this time for our Peace Meditation.
Prayer for Peace
We will conclude with a unison prayer, which was repeated in the service “this is our cry; this is our prayer for building peace in this world.”
Peace Moment August 1, 2021 Steve
Peace Moment Introduction
Friday, August 6, is the 76st anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. In Des Moines this anniversary will be observed with a service at the Japanese bell located south of the capital. There are details in the this week’s email news.
The observance is planned by the Des Moines Faith Committee for Peace. Lamoni Heartland Mission Center and the Northwest congregation are both financial co-sponsors of the event.
The primary purpose of this observance is to highlight the continuing threat of nuclear war and the devastation one would cause throughout the world.
Four years ago members of Community of Christ were very involved in planning, conducting and attending the service. A local videographer produced a video. For our Peace Moment this evening we will watch excerpts from that video.
Peace Meditation
At the end is a couple minutes of violin music played by our own Maria Mann now Hewitt. We invite you to use this time for our Peace Meditation.
Prayer for Peace
We will conclude with a unison prayer, which was repeated in the service “this is our cry; this is our prayer for building peace in this world.”