Climate Emergency Committee

Formed after the adoption of the Lamoni Heartland Mission Center (LHMC) Fall 2023 Conference resolution LHMC Response to Climate Emergency, the Climate Emergency Committee works to suggest options for the mission center to reduce its climate footprint. All are welcome to join the committee! Reach out via the Contact Page for meeting minutes, information on committee activities, or to get involved.

A green sprout coming out of the dark ground. Image is royalty-free from Pixabay.

Recent News

  • Over the summer, World Church has posted several episodes from the Climate Brewing series of the Project Zion podcast. You can see episodes from this series here.
  • This year’s family camp hosted by LHMC was a hit! With themes on environmentalism, sacredness of creation, and climate change, participants explored new ideas and aspects of their faith. You can find the adult and youth lesson materials here and view photos from the camp on the LHMC Facebook group page here.
  • The Climate Emergency Committee surveyed congregations in the mission center on activities that factor into carbon footprints in late spring/early summer 2024. Responses from the survey are being shared on the LHMC Facebook group page and in the weekly newsletter. Click here to view the results of the survey.

Older News

Spring 2024:

  • Several pages of the March/April 2024 Community of Christ Herald magazine are dedicated to Earth Day resources and activities, including excerpts from an Earth Stewardship Lesson from Herald House and reflections from the 2023 Redwoods Peace Colloquy hosted by San Jose Community of Christ.
  • A list of local Earth Day activities unaffiliated with Community of Christ was posted on the LHMC Facebook group page in early April. Visit the group page here.
  • LHMC will host a family camp in June 2024 with a theme on climate change. We hope you join us!