April 11, 2021 Peace Moment

Each week we hear a Peace Moment in addition to the prayer for peace. Hopefully all will be blessed with these devotional thoughts.

This week’s Peace Moment is by Lisa Stobbe.


In today’s gospel scripture, John 20:19-31, Jesus appears to his followers after his resurrection.  Thomas is not there and he is told about the encounter.  He states that he will believe when he sees.  Jesus then appears again and Thomas is present and first hand witnesses the resurrected Christ.  Jesus acknowledges Thomas for seeing and believing, but then states that blessed are those who have not seen yet believe.

Peace and justice are about seeing and believing but not precisely in that order.  If we see peace in action, we believe that it is possible and if we believe peace is possible, we will act so that it will be seen.  We need to look for justice and if it is not there, believe that we can make a difference and work toward bringing it about.  The Holy Spirit received into our lives can help us both see and believe in the action and witness of peace and justice.  Look to see where you can bring peace and justice and believe that peace and justice will be seen.

Please join me in our prayer for peace.

Loving Creator,

We live in a world that separates us in so many ways. We are separated by gender, color, sexual orientation, economics, religion and even by political parties. We hold up these divisions and pray that you will bend us toward each other, rather than away; bend us toward you. Let those things that have so divided us, become the things that bring us together. Let us begin to see the things that have separated us as the things that pull us together. Create unity where there was division. Guide us in love. Bend us toward kindness. We pray in your Son’s holy name. Amen.

April 11, 2021.

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