February 20, 2022 Peace Moment

Love Your Enemies.   February 20, 2022

The lectionary scriptures for today give two concrete and practical ways for pursuing peace. Luke outlines what showing mercy looks like. It goes far beyond treating others justly or fairly. We are being told to forgive those who treat us unjustly. An eye foe an eye is misunderstood if it is used to justify doing to others as they have done unto you. It was created to limit the retribution for a wrong done. You could only do to the other what they had done to you. In our scripture we are being told to not take offense and not to retaliate at all. We are to trust God for justice and reward our acts of mercy and kindness to those who would do wrong to us. Our companion scripture from Genesis tells the story of Joseph meeting his brothers for the first time since they sold him into slavery in Egypt. He had suffered imprisonment and hardship on his way to being second only to the Pharaoh. But Joseph has come to recognize that God was in it all, using the betrayal and even the imprisonment to bring him to where he is when they meet again. God will use Joseph’s influence and authority to save His people. God has blessed Joseph with faith and an ability to interpret dreams and that put Joseph where he could prevent the starvation of Egyptians and Israelites alike. But our takeaway today from our story is Joseph’s attitude of mercy. He has all the authority of Egypt to deny aid to his brothers. He could have them imprisoned or hauled off as slaves. Yet he not only shows mercy but unbounded love. Pharaoh is so thankful for Joseph’s wisdom and leadership that He treats Joseph’s family like royalty and he will give them and all their people and flocks the best lands available. This is unprecedented and God was working His will through Joseph and the Pharaoh. For now God’s people will be safe in his care. Joseph’s actions provide a look at what Jesus taught by word and action. Mercy and grace are abundant at God’s table and God’s people can live confidently in the peace of Jesus.  


When have you seen such acts of grace, mercy and forgiveness in your life and your community lately. Have we been asked to extend such grace to someone? In what way? How did you do?  


Merciful God, Your plan of peace and mercy comes to us in the teaching of Jesus and scripture stories of people doing their best to reflect you in their contexts. As we do the same in our time and place we are guided by the examples of the disciples who preceded us as well as those who serve among us. Our hearts overflow with gratitude for your mercy in providing such examples. We pray that our efforts to pursue and live peace will be such examples for those who follow. Thank you for your love and mercy and the Holy Spirit that guides and energizes our efforts to follow Jesus the Peaceful One in whose name we pray. Amen.

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