Weekly Lectionary Scripture

Weekly Lectionary Scripture

Each week we explore a scripture passage based on the lectionary.

  • Exploring the Scripture This letter never refers to the Ephesians nor details about a specific congregation in early manuscripts. It may have been a general letter, circulating from one congregation to another. Vocabulary, writing style, and sentence…
  • Exploring the Scripture Paul’s letter to the Ephesians was written to ordinary people doing their best to keep their jobs, provide shelter, food, clothing, and maybe an occasional “treat” for their family. Some were better off than others; some…
  • Exploring the Scripture Many scholars who study 2 Corinthians find evidence that the manuscript combines several letters Paul wrote, not just one. Dramatic changes in tone and content occur, without transition or explanation, like the sudden change…
  • Exploring the Scripture While Paul was guiding, scolding, and giving pastoral care to the Gentile Christians in Asia Minor, the Jerusalem church struggled to survive. Finances were slim, and needs were significant. The original apostles were based in…
  • Exploring the Scripture In Mark 4:35–41, Jesus crosses the Sea of Galilee with his disciples. It is the first of four crossings (Mark 4:35–41, 5:21, 6:45–52, and 8:13). Jesus is teaching and ministering on both sides of the Sea of Galilee, among Jews…
  • Exploring the Scripture Twenty-first-century readers must enter the first-century world of Galilee to understand how shocking Jesus’ parables were. Jesus combined everyday things with images from the Hebrew Scriptures. He used them to challenge…
  • Exploring the Scripture Last week’s text laid the foundation for humble ministry as an extension of Christ’s light and presenting fortitude and faith as victorious over afflictions. In this week’s passage, Paul presents eternal life as the supreme…
  • Exploring the Scripture Second Corinthians may have originated as two or three letters, later compiled into one. The first nine chapters may come from one letter, or chapters 8–9 may represent a second letter. Paul outlines the nature of Christian…
  • Exploring the Scripture Verse 12 begins by declaring that we are “debtors.” Debt is considered to have negative connotations. However, in this case, it is presented as something to celebrate because our debt is to God. As a way of contrast, Paul…
  • Exploring the Scripture Our scripture passage from Romans 8 does not contain images we usually associate with Pentecost. There are no stories of wind, fiery tongues resting on people, or different nationalities speaking multiple languages and…