April 18, 2021 Peace Moment

For April 18, 2021 Prayer for Peace and Peace Moment with introduction


Each week we hear a Peace Moment in addition to the prayer for peace. Hopefully all will be blessed with these devotional thoughts. This week’s Peace Moment is by Steve Bolie.


When I was in junior high the appointee seventy assigned to our area came periodically to our little congregation for a preaching series. In one of those sermons he talked about the closeness of Jesus as a comfort and strength for our discipleship. He said that if we reached out our hand Jesus would physically take hold of it. At least that is what I thought I heard and what was on my mind when I went to bed that night. As I started to pray I so trusted what was said that I was ready to do what he suggested. Then I started questioning, “What if it doesn’t happen like he described.” As importantly, “What if it does happen? What would my parents say? How would I act the next day at school? What would I change and did I want to be part of it when it did? What would classmates think?” Fear overrode trust. I went to sleep and nothing happened.

As time went on I learned that I was not alone in my reaction. Surprise and fear seem to have been the staple of being a disciple of Jesus Christ from the beginning. Jesus surprised his followers with healings that were given freely. The lifestyle he lived and taught was so different from the surrounding culture that those who heard him were fearful of how that culture would respond.  At the same time, He promised peace and comfort in the place of fear. Some of his first words after the surprises of that first Easter were, “Why are you frightened, and why do doubts arise in your hearts?” (Matthew 24:36) The promises helped but the disciples first reaction was usually surprise and fear.

Are we, his modern day disciples, any different really? Jesus promised his continuing presence through the Holy Spirit. But too often when the closeness happens we pull back in fear. Even when peace is about to break out we pull back because of the courage that is required of us. Our prayer for peace today is for the blessing of courage in the challenges of our calling to discipleship.

Please join me in our prayer for peace.

Post Easter God,

You offer us closeness through the living presence of your Son. Jesus promises comfort in place of fear. The peace of Christ is an ever-present comfort in fearful situations when we would otherwise pull away. Like prophets, shepherds, fathers to be Zachariah and Joseph, and so many others our first impulse is to draw back. But your first words are “Don’t be afraid.” Help us, we pray, to hear those words of comfort and invitation, to be willing to bask in the closeness you offer. Challenge us to risk something new so we can become a blessing of your love and peace. Amen.

Alternative prayers for peace are available in the worship helps for this Sunday and www.CofChrist.org/daily-prayer-for-peace.

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