January 21 Daily Prayer for Peace


Gathering in Silence 

Call to Prayer 

Lighting of Candle 


In the name of Jesus Christ, welcome to this sacred space where you are invited to “Become a people of the Temple—those who see violence but proclaim peace, who feel conflict yet extend the hand of reconciliation, who encounter broken spirits and find pathways for healing.”  

—Doctrine and Covenants 161:2a 

Today in our prayers we remember the people of Yemen, a nation in Western Asia on the southern end of the Arabian Peninsula. Yemen is a developing country in civil war, rife with political crises, corruption, and poverty. Yet it was once known as the land of milk and honey and location of the secret to eternal life. 

Scripture Reading—1 John 3:1, 7

See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are. The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. 

Little children, let no one deceive you. Everyone who does what is right is righteous, just as he is righteous.

Prayer for Peace

Laura Herdman 

Almighty God, we see your power in designing the galaxies, the oceans, and the sands; and we behold your gentleness in the butterfly, the firefly, the violet. How can we not stand in awe before the grandeur displayed on Earth? Help us now reflect on the times when peace entered our souls as we stood still, listened, and beheld the beauty surrounding us. And so we do at this moment. 

We thank you for expressions of peace others tell us through their insight of your splendor: the artists, the musicians, architects, poets. And we, too, witness of the good feeling we have each time we create or work at making something a little better than it was. We feel a kinship with you, and peace enters our soul. 

Help us create opportunities to take the touch of Jesus to others to sense his peace. We ask forgiveness of moments when we have not acted on his behalf. Forgive our reluctance, our apathy, our daily busyness that hinders our sensitivity to others’ needs. You give us opportunities to be peacemakers, but we do not always see, hear, or do. 

Today we pledge our efforts anew. We pledge to take the peace from the beauty surrounding us in the arts and nature and give it human expression in our relationships. Somehow, we feel that as we do so, we carry out the purpose for our being. Give us your blessing this day, and receive our petition simply because our Master urges us to pray. Amen. 


Today’s hymn is “Of the Father’s Love Begotten” number 27 in Community of Christ Sings. Sing or silently reflect on the meaning of the text. 

Prayers of the People

As we enter a time of guided prayer, meditation, and musical reflection, you are invited to offer silent prayers or meditate during the moments of quiet. The Prayers of the People begin with individuals and groups, then move out from this Temple of peace to include the human family and the planet. 

Within all aspects of our lives and our world exist situations and conditions that need the healing touch of the Holy. Will you join with me to listen to the voice that speaks peace to each of us from beyond the farthest hills, from the infinite heavens above, and the vast seas below? 


Listen to the voice that invites you to surrender your fears and frustrations, anger, and anxieties, and to await with an open heart the peace that only Christ can bring. Allow the one who seeks only the best for you to offer the comfort you seek. 


Listen to the voice that whispers the invitation to reconciliation with those whose lives, words, decisions, or actions have wounded you. May you find space in your heart for healing to occur in your relationships with brothers and sisters, as well as your enemies. 


Listen to the voice that calls all into unity and oneness. We remember all nations, including Yemen, the country we pray for today. May we be attuned to hear the cries for mercy, forgiveness and generosity. Listen to the one who reminds us that in the welfare of another resides our own well-being. 


Listen to the voice that echoes across the eons of time and yet speaks anew in this moment. The Earth shudders in distress because creation’s natural and living systems are becoming exhausted from carrying the burden of our greed and conflicts. Listen to creation which struggles to provide life to the seas, the hills, and the heavens above. 


May the one who spoke calm to the storm and stilled the waves with a word, bring peace to us and through us. May we be among those whose lives whisper, shout, and proclaim peace to those far and near for the sake of God’s shalom. Amen.

Musical Reflection 

Sending Forth

Be witnesses of hope, 

Shed tears for injustice, and 

Make a difference in the world. 

Go in peace.  

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