July 11, 2021 Peace Moment

For ­­­­­­­July 11, 2021 Prayer for Peace and Peace Moment with introduction


Each week we hear a Peace Moment in addition to the prayer for peace. Hopefully all will be blessed with these devotional thoughts.

This week’s Peace Moment is by Deb Crowley.


Jesus’ Name had Become Known

Stand up, stand up for Jesus, 
Ye soldiers of the cross; 
Lift high his royal banner, 
It must not suffer loss.
From victory unto victory
His army shall he lead, 
Till every foe is vanquished, 
And Christ is Lord indeed.

In my earlier years this hymn was a favorite primarily because it was one of the few I could plunk out on the piano. Another song in the hymnal had the same tune with different words. A “two for one” if the congregation didn’t mind singing the same tune twice during the service!

Over time favoritism for the words of the hymn diminished as recognition of war-like words no longer fit my understanding of who Jesus is and who he calls us to be.

Stand up for Jesus? Absolutely! Stand as a disciple in word and deed. More like this:

Stand up, stand up for Jesus, disciples of the Lord.

Lift high his righteous teachings

And care for his loved world.

From slums to royal places

Compassionately serve.

Until creations healing

Brings joy, hope, love, and peace!

Please join me in our prayer for peace.

Prayer O Lord, hear our prayer. May your Spirit guide us to risk anew and nudge us to courageously  move towards Jesus with each word, each action, each step we take 24/7. It is our hearts desire to stand up for Jesus so the world might know and experience his peace. Amen.

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