Singing the Sacraments

Singing the Sacraments

When we purposefully enter into sacred space and seek to become more fully aware of God’s divine presence, moments of spiritual meaningfulness occur and we become more fully mindful of divine purposes in us.

I had one such experience at the Temple in Independence in 2018 during the Writers’ Summit. I arrived early and went into the chapel to enter into a purposeful time of meditation. The chapel is circular in shape and surrounded by the paintings by Jack Garnier depicting the Sacraments. On each chair in the chapel is a copy of Community of Christ Sings. So I entered alone and I literally had to pick up the hymnal in order to sit down. I was immediately mindful of the fact that this hymnal contained hymns for each of these sacraments. So I sat down alone and quietly sang songs for Blessing of Children, Baptism of Water and Spirit, Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, Evangelist Blessing, Marriage, Ordination, and Laying on of Hands for the Sick. As I pondered each sacrament, I remembered that each of these ordinances are described in the Scriptures. The experience was profound in ways that are difficult to adequately express. I became aware of God’s love for all of us as children. I believe that All Are Called to partake of the sacraments of the church, and we are to Invite People to Christ to share in that blessing.

The rich resource of the Sacraments, the Scriptures and Community of Christ Sings are available to us no matter where we are situated physically. May you be blessed this and every day with the many gifts that call us into God’s presence.  

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